People weakened by a transplant, dialysis or chemotherapy are particularly susceptible to all common infections, which in their case can be fatal: the Ergo- Air can prevent these respiratory contaminations. The Ergo-Air was originally developed for Covid intensive care, but its areas of application have proven to be many and varied, i.e. mostly not dependent on Covid. De facto, the Ergo-Air offers total protection against respiratory contamination, both for the user and for those physically close by. Furthermore, these weakened people know that they are particularly susceptible to all common infections which in their case can be fatal: this fragility is very anxiety-provoking, and only the Ergo-Air offers a simple solution today. Finally, people with a high level of co-morbidity will benefit from these same advantages. Being able to limit these hospital complications represents on a national level financial savings that are far greater than the investment in our protective equipment.

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Interview Dr. Philippe A. Hoang

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